Witness the epic showdown that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about faith and identity. In "PASTOR STANLEY GETS BLOWN TO SMITHEREENS," watch as the unapologetic force of the Hebrew Israelites collides head-on with Christian beliefs. Led by the indomitable Officer YadyaDayah of Sicarii, this heated exchange peels back layers on the true identity of the real Jews, challenging centuries of religious narratives. Are you ready to see the Bible in a light never before explored? This isn't just a debate; it's a revelation of history, prophecy, and truth that has been silenced for too long. Join us as we dive deep into the scriptures, uncovering the real story of God's chosen people. Support the movement by following our links to donate, subscribe, and support Hebrew Israelite businesses. Your journey into the heart of true faith begins now. #HebrewIsraelites #Sicarii #GuerrillaHebrew #IsraeliteVsChristian

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Remember, this is more than just a video; it's a movement. Are you ready to challenge your beliefs and embrace the truth? Watch now, and let's walk this path together. #HebrewIsraelites #Sicarii #GuerrillaHebrew #Israelite #Bible #Religion #Debate
#HebrewIsraeliteDebate #HebrewIsraeliteDestroys #ChristianPastor #HebrewIsraeliteSermon #HebrewIsraeliteVsChristianity

#SicariiWatr #Dallas #HebrewIsraeliteProphecy #HebrewIsraeliteScriptures #HebrewIsraeliteMessiah

0:01 - YadyaDayah Explores Romans 3:31
1:27 - Analyzing Isaiah 53:8 with YadyaDayah
4:07 - YadyaDayah Discusses Matthew 15:24
6:24 - Genesis 12:3 Interpretation by YadyaDayah
8:16 - Luke 1:68 Explained by YadyaDayah
10:23 - Joel 2:32 Insights with YadyaDayah
11:29 - Acts 2: The Coming of the Holy Spirit
17:20 - Biblical Fulfillment vs Application Debate
20:31 - Deep Dive into Romans 9
21:30 - Can Heathens be Saved? Biblical Examination
25:10 - Reconciling Galatians 3 with Romans 9
27:10 - The Law Given Exclusively to Israel
29:40 - Understanding Biblical Love of Neighbor
30:55 - Law of Moses vs Law of Christ Compared
34:57 - Judgment: Gospel or Law?
38:35 - What Must We Do To Be Saved: Salvation Explained
47:54 - Defining Sin in Biblical Terms
50:15 - Exploring the Core of the Gospel
54:14 - Unpacking Isaiah 61: The Year of the Lord's Favor
56:23 - Proving the Gospel through the Prophets
57:13 - The Holy Spirit: Who Truly Has It?
58:15 - The Law's Role for Sinners
1:02:05 - The Nation of Israel: A Biblical Overview
black hebrew israelites, CHRISTIAN DEBATE, Hebrew Israelite Preaching
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